

  INSPIRED   The Story   Some fascinating and incredible women have inspired me. None, who by the way had a physical beauty, but surely an inner beauty. Being inspired and inspiring others provides us with shared strengths giving us opportunities to be more than we are as one. Those who inspire us, in the process, influence us by their intellect, accomplishments, and wisdom. Eleanor Roosevelt and Golda Meir have been two of my role models. Author Gertrude Stein and many other good writers have influenced me. These are people who dared to go beyond the ordinary. They were not willing to accept the limitations society or family set upon them.  If we are fortunate, there are also those in our lives who inspire us, expressing belief in us. I’ve had a few such people in my life, encouraging me to never give up my dreams and ambitions. I decided long ago to keep at a safe distance people who are angry, jealous, and mean-spirited. Really. Who needs them? Who made them right? I know it’s not a


  To get free from May 6-through 10 Murder in the Worst Degree (Rocky Bluff P.D. Mysteries Book 10) eBook : Meredith, F.M.: Kindle Store This is my favorite book in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series. One of my favorite characters, Officer Gordon Butler,  has a major role in this book.   Some of the suspects are old Seabee buddies of the victim who meet regularly at McDonald's for breakfast==just as many old veterans do in McDs across the country. When my husband was still alive, we often went to McD's for breakfast and visited with a group of vets. Hope  you'll take advantage of this sale. Marilyn writing as F.M. Meredith

THE ASTRAL GIFT by Marilyn Meredith

  To buy: The Astral Gift - Kindle edition by Meredith, Marilyn. Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Kindle eBooks @ After writing to fictionalized family historical novels, this was my first mystery. The story is about a woman who was sexually molested as a child and  used astral projections to escape. As an adult, some of her roommate's escapades bring back the astral projection. This time she has no control over when it happens, and she witnesses things she doesn't want to see--including murder. A romance surprises the heroine, but it comes with more problems. Though I had someone tell me I must've experienced astral projection to write about it in such a convincing manner, but no I have never, nor do I want to. The closest I've come to it is in a dream, which I think had some influence on this tale.  There's a lot about a day care center, something I did have a lot of experience in a place similar to what I describe in THE ASTRAL GIFT. If you decide to


This tale began as a Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, but didn't quite have the right feeling for the series.  However, it was a fun book to write and deserves readers. This one was inspired from what I learned about a long-ago flood in Springville, that took out a bridge that connected people living in the mountains to the rest of the world. (We've  had other similar floods here in our area, but this one stranded folks for quite a long time.) I had fun creating the characters, and to be honest some are based on people I've met. However, what happens is completely made-up. I love the house imagined for this story.  I hope you'll give this tale a try. Official blurb: While investigating a murder, Leslie York, the resident deputy of the mining town of Copper Creek, finds herself stranded on the wrong side of the creek when it turns into a raging torrent. Others driven from their homes by the flood gather, but one of them turns up dead. When Leslie begins to suspect the vict

THE DEVIL'S FOOHOLD by Marilyn Meredith

  This is another book that started out to be a Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, but by the time I was finished, I knew it didn't fit. It was far too much a supernatural Christian story with touches of horror. To be honest, i really like this book--might even read it again myself. It's one that I had to write. When you read it you'll see the elements of my Tempe Crabtree series peeking through. At one time I watched all the horror movies--think Exorcism and Rosemary's baby--plus many of the later ones that had overtones of the devil. I know they all had a great influence on me.  Blurb:  Resident Deputy Jessica McGuire’s day starts much the same as usual, but when she jogs by the old family cemetery, she discovers the grave of a baby dug up, and the skeleton is missing. Not much later, Pastor David Tanner reports the theft of a hand-carved redwood cross from his church. Next, a baby goat is reported stolen, and one of the pastor’s cows is discovered mutilated in the field.

Endings in Books

The first in the Temp Crabtree mystery series.   I've been doing a lot of reading lately and I've noticed the importance of endings. In a mystery, the mystery needs to be solved, and all the plot ends tied up. If it's a series, there can be ongoing plot threads such as relationships not yet resolved that will continue on in the next book. But for goodness sake, please give us a solution to the mystery. Don't leave it hanging.  I once quit reading a best-selling mystery writer because at the end we still didn't learn who-dun-it. On the next page the reader was informed to read the next installment in the series. I never bought another of the writer's books.  Recently read a fairly compelling mystery, but in the end the bad guy got away. He was a really horrible murderer, multiple victims, and no remorse. Ugh!  Not what I expected or enjoyed. In other genres, I expect an ending that in some instances will give me pleasure, maybe even make me smile.  Endings are as

Hoping for the Best

 I haven't been able to use this blog for some time.  My computer died and I had to have it fixed. And of course, when something like that happens, it takes a lot of fiddling around to get everything the way you want it. I've been trying to fix my email. It got upgraded, and with every upgrade, I have trouble figuring out how to do things. I've been doing a bit of promoting for my latest, HOW I SURVIVED MY CHILDHOOD. And when I say a bit, it has been just that. I did have a fun signing at Staffords Chocolates, a great place. They had a table prepared for me, plus chairs. Besides their wonderful chocolates, they have coffee, tea and special drinks. Friends I hadn't seen for a while stopped by and purchased books and visited.  Okay, now we'll see if this posts. Marilyn